Lead Generation Services

Are you ready to start generating leads and increase revenue this year for your business?

Lead Generation Services

Are you ready to start generating leads and increase revenue this year for your business?

How it works?

Simply fill out the form and let our team get to work!

Step 1)

We identify your ideal customer, for your products or services.

Step 1)

We identify your ideal customer, for your products or services.

Step 2)

We use paid ad campaigns to send traffic to specialized pages to collect as many leads for as cheap as possible! New exclusive leads arrive in 24-72 hours of campaigns going live!

Step 2)

We use paid ad campaigns to send traffic to specialized pages to collect as many leads for as cheap as possible! New exclusive leads arrive in 24-72 hours of campaigns going live!

Step 3)

Your leads get sent to our system where A.I robots nurture your leads, until they're ready to buy from you!

Step 3)

Your leads get sent to our system where A.I robots nurture your leads, until they're ready to buy from you!

Step 4)

After the A.I qualifies a lead, it's sent to a live agent who double checks their information is correct. After they will book the prospect on your calendar and remind them of their appointments!

Step 4)

After the A.I qualifies a lead, it's sent to a live agent who double checks their information is correct. After they will book the prospect on your calendar and remind them of their appointments!

Step 5)

Easy to use system, so you focus on what you do best, while the system generates leads and appointments on demand

Step 6)

Calculate ad spend and closed sales to calculate your ROI each month and know how to hit your next revenue tier!

Social Media Management

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Step 5)

Easy to use system, so you focus on what you do best, while the system generates leads and appointments on demand

Step 6)

Calculate ad spend and closed sales to calculate your ROI each month and know how to hit your next revenue tier!

Lead Generation is Changing

And Unless You Adapt, Your Competition Will Leave You Behind!

If This is you 👇🏼 you Need to Make a Change!

  • ❌ You Are Spending More Than $1,000 To Aquire A Sale
  • ❌ You Are Still Relying On Cold Calling, or Outdated Marketing To Keep Your Pipeline Full
  • ❌ Your Facebook Ads Generate A Bunch Of Low Quality Leads That Aren't Interested
  • ❌ You Spend Hours Chasing Crap Leads That Don't Convert

WhAt You Need Is A System That Works! 💰

  • ✅ A System That Lowers Your CPA as much as 90%
  • ✅ A System that Runs On Autopilot Without Taking Up Hours of Your Time
  • ✅ A Way to Generate High Quality Leads And Appointments That Convert Into Sales
  • ✅ A System That Allows You To Focus On What You Do Best... Closing Deals!

Why Us

Real Google Reviews!


Let's get your revenue growing!

Client Club was founded by a business owner who was sick of "marketing agencies" and "web gurus",

after being a tech consultant for some of the nations largest chains, Dave has brought their growth strategies to you!

We pride ourselves on our 3 pillars of success that we apply in every aspect of our lives.

1) Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated

2) Provide positive experiences, custom tailored to your individual needs

3) 100% Customer Service and Satisfaction Guarantee


  • UNIQUE plans for YOUR situation your business is NOT A COPY N PASTE solution!

  • Custom marketing plans to hit your revenue goals, no guess work we guarantee goals with MATH!

  • Access to an exclusive state of the art lead nurturing system SAVING YOU $1,000s every year in app fees!

  • Customized solutions for YOUR BUSINESS UNIQUE'S bottle necks and situations

  • Exclusive consulting not found anywhere else to hit your next revenue tier!

NOT FACEBOOK: This site is not a part of the Facebook or Google website or Facebook Inc. or Google Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook or Google in any way. FACEBOOK and Google are trademarks of FACEBOOK, Inc. and /or Google Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys "how to" information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE THIS PACKAGE.

Client Club - All rights reserved